
Email: katherine.heavey[at]

My research interests include early modern classical translation, adaptation and reception, particularly where these relate to the figures of Helen of Troy and Medea. Since September 2012, I have been a University Teacher in Early Modern English Literature at the University of Glasgow. Prior to this, I held a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship at Newcastle University, researching classical myth in the works of Robert Greene, Shakespeare and Thomas Heywood. I have spoken on classical adaptation, translation and reception at the conferences of the Society for Renaissance Studies (2010), the Renaissance Society of America (2012) and the British Shakespeare Association (2012), and have published work on early modern adaptations of Helen of Troy, in Renaissance Studies and Literature Compass. In 2016 I published a monograph on Medea (see select bibliography below). I particularly enjoy bringing my research interests in classical reception and adaptation to bear on my teaching, and I have taught early modern adaptations of the classics, by authors including Marlowe, George Pettie and Richard Robinson, at Durham, Newcastle and Glasgow universities.


Other contributions to this website

• Annotated edition of Thomas Heywood, Troia Britanica (1609), Canto XI.  2016.  A Textual Companion to A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology (2009-), ed. Yves Peyré.


Select bibliography

• “Fifty ways to kill your brother: Medea and the politics of fratricide in early modern English literature”. In Interweaving Myths in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries (ed. Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont and Charlotte Coffin). Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017: 128-48.

• The Early Modern Medea: Medea in English Literature, 1558-1688. London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. (read review on this website)

• “Aphra Behn’s ‘Oenone to Paris’: Ovidian Paraphrase by Women Writers”, Translation and Literature23.3 (forthcoming, November 2014).

• “A New Way to Please You: Helen of Troy in Early Modern Comedy”. Renaissance Studies (online publication July 2012): ISSN 0269-1213.

• “‘Thus Beholde the Fall of Sinne’: Punishing Helen of Troy in Elizabethan Verse”. Literature Compass 9.7 (2012): 464-475. ISSN 1741-4113.

• “How to Lose Friends and Influence People: John Dryden and the Art of Insulting Other People’s Translations”. PEER English: Journal of New Critical Thinking 5 (2010).


See Katherine’s profile for more.


Katherine HEAVEY