Shakespeare's Myths

This bibliography applies only to the myth studied in this entry. Full references to more general works on early modern mythology cited in the Analysis are to be found in the General Bibliography.

Davidson, Clifford.  “The Masque within The Tempest.”  Notre Dame English Journal, 10 (1976): 12-17.

Erler, Mary C.  “Sir John Davies and the Rainbow Portrait of Queen Elizabeth.”  Modern Philology, 84, 4 (May 1987): 359-71.

Fulton, Robert CampbellShakespeare and the Masque.  New York: Garland, 1988.
Gardiner, Judith K. “Shakespeare’s The Tempest, IV.i.76-82 (Iris and Hymen)”.  Explicator, 35 (1) (1976-77): 25-26.

Gordon, D. JThe Renaissance Imagination, ed. Stephen Orgel.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.

Peyré, Yves.  “Les Masques d’Ariel: Essai d’interprétation de leur symbolisme”.  Cahiers Élisabéthains, 19 (1981): 53-71.

Rousset, JeanLa littérature de l’âge baroque en France, Circé et le paon.  Paris, José Corti, 1954.

Tarantino, Elisabetta.  “Morpheus, Leander, and Ariel”.  The Review of English Studies, vol. 48, n° 192 (Nov. 1997): 489-98.

Warren, Roger.  “The Quarto and Folio Texts of 2 Henry VI, A Reconsideration”.  The Review of English Studies, vol. 51, n° 202 (May 2000): 193-207 (p. 200).

Willson, Robert F., Jr. “The Plays Within A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest.” Shakespeare Jahrbuch (Weimar), 110 (1974): 101-11.


How to cite

Yves Peyré. "Iris."  2009.  In A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology (2009-), ed. Yves Peyré.

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